Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to Reduce Your Risk of High Blood Pressure Through Nutrition

It is highly alarming the way high blood pressure is infiltrating the humanity these days. A hypertensive will assume he is the only one in this type of situation; however, millions of people throughout the globe are in the same situation. According to the recent survey by UN, one in three persons in the all over the globe is in the same situation.

The existence of high blood pressure is secondary to another disease or disorder, and usually disappears once the underlying condition is controlled or cured. Hence, it is usually accompanied with:
·                 possibility of cardiovascular disease,
·                 congestive heart failure,
·                 peripheral vascular (blood vessel) disease, and
·                 Increase of renal (kidney) failure, usually  accompanied  wth Kidney or endocrine disease
·                 Sleep apnea
·                 Thyroid disorders and hyperparathyroidism 
·                 Cirrhosis of the liver
·                 Cushing disease (in which the body produces excess steroids)
·                 Pheochromocytoma (adrenaline-producing tumor)
·                 Coarctation of the aorta (a condition in which the aorta is pinched, constricted or narrowed at some point along its length, often resulting in high blood pressure in the arms and low blood pressure in the legs)

Although the symptoms of high blood pressure are not specific, the best way of attacking it is prevention. 

It is quite possible for someone to have high blood pressure (also called hypertension) and not know that you have it! Most people who have hypertension don't know they have it; however, there are signs of extremely high blood pressure which you should be on look-out for. We will discuss these signs later.

According to the adage, which says”You are what you eat”, what we eat plays a large role in preventing, controlling and treating high blood pressure. According to the National High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHBPEP), the ability to follow the following dietary procedures normally has tremendous impact on the existence of high blood pressure in our life:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight.

Obese people are two to six times more likely to develop high blood pressure than people who are not. It has been shown through the five-year Primary Prevention of High Blood Pressure Trial that shedding as much as six pounds is sufficient to bring your blood pressure to an appreciable manageable level. To achieve this:
ü   Begin to reduce those calories by avoiding sweets and fats, and,
ü   Set a target of shedding 5 to 10 pounds within the next six months a primary goal, if you are overweight

  1. Minimize your salt intake.

Reducing your blood pressure is through a modest minimization of salt consumption may help a lot. In order to achieve this, consume more of fresh and whole foods, and try as much as possible to avoid foods in boxes and cans and fast food so as to reduce your salt intake.
  1. Limit alcohol consumption.

Increase in blood pressure is often lined to excessive consumption of alcohol. 

  1. Reduce Stress
Stress can make blood pressure go up and over time may contribute to the cause of high blood pressure.

However, for more information on how to control/prevent the risk of high blood pressure through nutrition, click

A host of dietary strategies has been proved to lower blood pressure

Majority of fruits and vegetables are very high in potassium which is good for wellbeing. A few studies have shown that people with a low potassium intake have a higher risk of high blood pressure. The existence of fibre in fruits and vegetables make them sources of remedy for people with high blood pressure.  This is also due to variety of nutrients and phyto-chemicals contained in them.  

Increase in calcium intake may also help in lowering blood pressure. This is especially advisable for people who rarely consume milk. However, it should be noted that Calcium supplements do NOT appear to reduce risk, so adding a glass of milk to your meals is another way of strengthen your bones and blood vessels.

The omega-three fatty acids found in saltwater fish appear to have a role in lowering blood pressure. Abstain from taking fish-oil pills, especially without a physician's approval, since there is possibility of interaction with other medications. It is advisable to go for seafood as dinner two times every week: it helps to keep your blood pressure under control.

A Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension has been shown to lower blood pressure and probably will decrease the risk of developing high blood pressure (New England Journal of Medicine, April 17, 1997). To eat the DASH way, follow these guidelines:

==>   Center your meals around carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, legumes and vegetables.
==>   Use meat as part of a meal, not the primary focus.
==>   Enjoy fruit for snacks and desserts.

What we eat has been proven to lower our blood pressure levels, and most likely will also help prevent the onset of high blood pressure. You need to start a trend for yourself and your children today.

Finally, there is a new way that will help you in conveniently preventing/controlling any symptoms of high blood pressure.  To know more about this new pattern of fighting high blood pressure, click

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